According to Japanese publication Nikkan Gendai and spotted by Kotaku, Sega’s Judgment series of games may be getting a live-action TV adaptation for Asahi Television, the flagship station of the All-Nippon News Network. The show’s working title is Sabakarezaru, which means “The Unjudged” when translated, similar to how Lost Judgment’s full title in Japan is Lost Judgment: Sabakarezaru Kioku or “Unjudged Memory.”
The series will reportedly star Takuya Kimura, who lent his likeness and voice to Judgment and last year’s sequel. If you haven’t played the games, both of them center around former attorney Takayuki Yagami, who becomes a private investigator in Tokyo’s Kamurocho district. Both games feature heavy themes and deep mysteries, such as Lost Judgment’s plot that focused on bullying, high school suicide, and a murder mystery that threatened to topple the Japanese legal system.
Each game features an episodic structure and plenty of plot development between rounds of ac…
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